Татьяна Чуфистова

Татьяна Чуфистова

Опыт работы
BNP Paribas ZAO - Corporate and Investment Bank
Deputy HR Director
Должностные обязанности:

HR Management: Recruitment, Graduate programns, Traning and Develpment, Talent Management

Описание деятельности компании: BNP Paribas is a European leader in global banking and financial services and one of the six strongest banks in the world (Rated AA by Standard & Poors i.e. 3rd rating on a scale of 22). It has one of the largest international networks with operations in 84 countries and 202,500 employees, including 159,600 in Europe, 15,000 in North America and 11,100 in Asia. (30092010) BNP Paribas has key positions in its three core businesses: Retail banking, Corporate & Investment Banking, Investment Solutions
Общая информация
Отрасль: Коммерческие банки
Специализация: Работа с персоналом
Должность: Начальник отдела, заместитель руководителя
Английский (Свободный)
Немецкий (Свободный)
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