Анатолий Антонов

Анатолий Антонов

Опыт работы
ЗАО ЮниКредит Банк
Начальник Отдела судебной защиты
Должностные обязанности:

I has taken part in more than in 150 trials and executive procedures, such as: 1. Arbitration court cases:1.1. Consequences of invalidity of a deal ($ 8 mln).1.2. Collecting debts under the credit agreements (the biggest case is $ 29 mln), bonds, deposits, payment, guarantees, forward deals, rests on the account, penalties for default, sums of the caused losses, debts under the dividends, various penalties, penalties under the decisions of state bodies of the Russian Federation.1.3. Recognition of a deal void ($ 8,5 mln).1.4. Bankruptcy procedure (preparation of a claim, organisation and participation in assemblies of the creditors, appeal on actions of the manager), for example, Uneximbank.1.5. Vindication of property from anothers illegal possession.1.6. Pledge selling.1.7. Tax cases (different).2. Civil procedure (common jurisdiction courts).2.1. Restoration at work,2.2. Collecting debts under credit agreements and guarantees (retail), salary for the compelled truancy, debts under the contributions, losses.3. Criminal cases (as the representative of the civil claimant):3.1. Fraud.3.2. Illegal reception of the credit.4. Administrative procedure on the fact of infringement of the antitrust legislation.5. Executive procedure (all stages).Besides:1. Participated in selling of property of the problem borrowers, organisation of cessions, innovation and different ways of re-structuring of duties.2. Partially I am engaged in a problematic of creation of reserves on possible losses under the loans, book keeping and bank reporting from the point of view of observance of the specifications of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.3. I supervise questions of organisation of accounts both in roubles, and in foreign currency, inquiries and claims (including on valuable papers), partially cash work.4. The questions of office-work and organisation of document circulation enter into sphere of activity.

Описание деятельности компании: Банковский.
Общая информация
Отрасль: Коммерческие банки
Специализация: Право
Должность: Начальник отдела, заместитель руководителя
Английский (Технический)
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