Елена Алмакаева

Елена Алмакаева

Опыт работы
Senior brand manager
Должностные обязанности:

- Brands development including annual planning; - Monitor and analyse business performance, including Market Share, Distribution, Volume, Value, brand health indexes, and identify new opportunities for Business development,- Business strategic management & development; - Guide development and implementation of brand plans, - Guide the team and all involved functions to implement quickly and efficiently the marketing activities in the most efficient way, - Develop and maintain an efficient communication network with functions key to the delivery of the brand plans: other marketing categories, CCSD, Sales, advertising agencies, demand planning, media & research services, factories,- Purina PetCare People management and coaching; Participate in the corporate projects and initiatives;Guide and lead factory projects connected with brands; work on local copacing and product extrusion for Russia an CIS Purina PetCare People management and coaching; Support and build team and achive team goals…………………………………Brand equity building. Marketing mix strategy generation. Support of up to 100 SKU. Product concept development and launch of line extension products. Establishmentdevelopment of non-grocery distribution channels. Guide development and implementation of brand blans.Direct advertising activity: ATLBTL campaigns budgeting, interaction with agencies, takeout appraisal. Indirect promotion: PR activity, opinion leaders communication

Описание деятельности компании: FMCG company with different businesses starting with cofe and confectionary and pet care
Общая информация
Отрасль: Потребительские товары повседневного спроса
Специализация: Маркетинг
Должность: Бренд-менеджер
Английский (Свободный)
Французский (Разговорный)
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