Елена Назарова

Елена Назарова

О себе

Car in my own (category B)Foreign passport, no restriction of travel abroad. Analytical skills. Ability for constructive thinking, efficient solving problems. Easy to learn.Positive thinking

Опыт работы
Qatar Airways
Должностные обязанности:

Control of cash flows and Cash-book records keeping. Control of cash rests.Settlement handling of credit cards accounts, control and registration of received payments by credit cards, reconciliation of payments and sales.Timely issuing of invoices. Control and registration of received payments. Maintaincontrol dailymonthlyearly reconciliation.Settlement of buyers accounts. Checking of Agent’s issues, drawing up acts and checking VAT from agent’s commission.Timely control paying off credits and collecting debits. Working with claims. Control of correct registration of taxes and fares in the system. Showing up mistakes, paying off creditscollecting debits. Data processing and analysis. Responsibility for a correct, timely and complete registration of financial data in the system ERP Oracle. Posting, setting off. At the end of each reporting period all data are reconciled and combined into commercial reports. Checking out and correcting all mistakes. Counting of financial activities. Control, analyze and data process of all Russian agencies. Showing out and correcting mistakes in Billing and Settlement Plan system. Regulation of all debts and dues. Control of all policies and procedures. Compilation and gathering data for financial reports. Analyze of financial reporting. Analyze of financial information for further calculation of future P&L.

Описание деятельности компании: 5-star International Airline, IATA member
Общая информация
Отрасль: Авиация и оборонная промышленность
Специализация: Финансы
Должность: Бухгалтер
Английский (Разговорный)
Французский (Базовый)
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