Anne Griffin

Anne Griffin

О себе

I am an American who has been living and working in moscow since 1993. I have worked in advertising for 8 years and left advertising two years ago to seek a unique business opportunity.

Опыт работы
Golden Corn
Vice President
Должностные обязанности:

Day to day running of the business, hiring key staff, launch and marketing of new brand, real estate issues.

Описание деятельности компании: Golden Corn is a newly registered Russian company that is planning to launch a new brand of fast food called Golden Corn. We will be selling steamed corn in a cup with special spices from our uniquely desgined kiosks in public places such as shopping m
Общая информация
Отрасль: Общественное питание, ресторанный бизнес
Специализация: Генеральное руководство
Должность: Исполнительный директор
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