Марченко Александр

Марченко Александр

Общая информация
Отрасль: Информационные и высокие технологии
Специализация: Маркетинг
Должность: Event manager
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Марченко Александр
Show face2trade


The mission of FACE2TRADE is to protect our reputation as the first-class producer of quality ad services. We permanently dig for the avant-garde and innovative methodologies to cater to the desires of the most progressive and curmudgeonly clients and catch up with the fast evolution of web technologies. FACE2TRADE has intriguing offers for both publishers expecting the enhancement of earnings and advertisers looking for the tools for attracting more consumers.


Our vision of the future is a web that delivers substantive, entertaining and appropriate advertisements without being intrusive from the user’s perspective. And can boast that FACE2TRADE is really working toward that ideal and tries to anticipate its arrival.