Александра Кадет

Александра Кадет

Опыт работы
Руководитель практики
Должностные обязанности:

International Tax Expert with over 10-year experience in the field of international tax planning primarily from corporate side, but also with expertise in the area of international tax planning for HNWI. Through my career my primary focuses are (1) Creation of tax efficient international business structures; (2) Supervision of the international tax expertise function within the tax departments in all entities of the group; (3) Coordination of the tax section of the foreign projects of a group; (4) Support deal structuring affecting all types of assets, including M&A; (5) Follow up efficient tax structuring of operational activities; (6) Management and mitigation of international tax risks for personal assets of a group’s beneficial owners.Areas of primary expertise: direct taxation; tax treaties interpretation and application; transfer pricing; anti-avoidance rules; international tax planning. Specialties: Group Structuring from International Tax standpoint, Deal structuring, Tax Treaties analysis.

Описание деятельности компании: Консалтинг по международному налоговому планированию
Общая информация
Отрасль: Сервис, услуги
Специализация: Консультирование
Должность: Консультант
Английский (Свободный)
Французский (Разговорный)
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