Самвел Шолинян

Самвел Шолинян

Опыт работы
Nicholas Plastics, Inc.
Должностные обязанности:

Responsible for profit & loss, staffing, budgeting and all other aspects of the operation of a fine furniture manufacturing plant with annual sales of 22 million dollars, 200+ unionized associates and 200 standard models of furniture plus customs.· Led

Описание деятельности компании: Nicholas Plastics Group are vertically and horizontally integrated to provide quality plastic products with incomparable color matching technology. We pride ourselves on the ability to meet the changing requirements of our customers. Nicholas Plastics Inc
Общая информация
Отрасль: Автопром, машиностроение, производство оборудования
Специализация: Производство
Должность: Директор по производству
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