Мариан Маринов

Мариан Маринов

О себе

I have obtained extensive experience on the markets of Crude oil, Crude oil products and Petrochemicals in Russia, Former Soviet Union and West Europe.

Опыт работы
Fortum Oil Oy, Представительство в г. Москва
Area manager- Russia and FSU
Должностные обязанности:

I have been with company FORTUM Oy since 1997. My special duty included:•Sales and distribution of petrochemicals from Finland and Sweden to Russia and Former Soviet Union Countries.•Purchase of raw material for the chemicals factories in Finland and

Описание деятельности компании: FORTUM OY is a leading state-owned energy concern based in Finland working in Crude oil production, refining; shipping, gasoline and fuel retail in Scandinavia, Baltic countries and Sank Petersburg; electricity production and distributing, heating produc
Общая информация
Отрасль: Нефть, газ, металлургия, угледобыча
Специализация: Генеральное руководство
Должность: Генеральный директор
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