Зарина Закирова

Зарина Закирова

Опыт работы
Исламский банк Al Hilal
HR officer
Должностные обязанности:

ведение кадрового делопроизводства, подбор персонала, организация тренингов

Описание деятельности компании: After a successful launch in 2008, and having established 14 branches in the UAE within a span of 18 months, the Al Hilal Bank has taken its first strides in spreading Islamic Banking to international territories. “Al Hilal” Islamic JSC (further “the Bank”) is the first Islamic bank established in Kazakhstan. It is registered as a locally incorporated bank in January 2010. The Bank is a 100% subsidiary of Al Hilal Bank, UAE, which is owned by Abu Dhabi Government.Our mission is to raise the profile of Islamic banking globally whilst contributing to Kazakhstan’s national growth and prosperity. The Bank strives to understand its Customers’ needs and provide the right Islamic finance solutions to meet these needs.The Bank has established two branches in Kazakhstan, one in Almaty and another one in Astana targeted building up relationships with the Government, and concentrate on providing innovative Islamic financing solutions to address the needs of large infrastructure projects and corporate transactions.Within the next 12-18 months we intend to offer a whole range of retail Islamic products to the personal banking sector.
Общая информация
Отрасль: Коммерческие банки
Специализация: Работа с персоналом
Должность: Менеджер по персоналу
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