Виталий Полывянный

Виталий Полывянный

Опыт работы
Head of Logistics (CIS)
Должностные обязанности:

General management of logistics operations in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belorussia (all SCM). Managing of 15 subordinates.On-shore project manager. Tender tasks creation and management (4 chains).Succesfull realization of the on-shore project with local RDC setup.SCM (import - factories over the world and local production):- Order desk (front desk): order portfolio creation, order pipeline analyze, full customer service support- Planning: start from Profit Plan submission up to ODPAPO control. Production tracking, ad-hoc actions, dealing with force-majeur situations.- Transport logistics: trucks and seashipments.- Warehousing 3pl management: replenishing, forecasting tools. APO managing, corrections, all planners factories coordination, in-out products managing, stock categorization. Work on KPIs, elaborating solutions.- Distribution: europe and russian FDCs and RDCs distribution.Logistics yearly budget creation on Regional and countries scale.HR managing. New hires, force re-balancing, talent pool, structure optimization.Reporting to Director of Europe logistics functionally with reporting system to headquarters. Member of senior logistics management europe team.

Описание деятельности компании: Производство и продажа крупной бытовой техники. B2B. Занимает лидирующие положение в америке и европе.
Общая информация
Отрасль: Потребительские товары длительного пользования
Специализация: Логистика
Должность: Начальник отдела, заместитель руководителя
Английский (Разговорный)
Французский (Базовый)
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