Алексей Свирин

Алексей Свирин

Опыт работы
ITT Development
Investment Director
Должностные обязанности:

• Arranging debt and equity finance, financial planning and budgeting: managing relationship with Russian and international banks and investors, supervising preparation of projects budgets, business plans, financial models, preparing investment memorandums, structuring investment deals, drafting credit documentation and investment contracts. • Acquisitions: conducting marketing research and locating land plots, best-use analysis, structuring transactions for acquisition, negotiating deal terms, financial modeling and risks analysis, supervising due diligence (legal, financial, technical), preparing investment memorandums for investors and shareholders, drafting agreements, supervising deal closing.• Project management: elaborating projects concepts with international brokers, supervising relationship with contractors and sub-contractors under the project, obtainment of permissions, approvals and technical conditions for the projects, day-to-day managing projects teams work, ensuring efficient development of projects at every stage.

Описание деятельности компании: Real Estate Development, Business profile: Commercial real estate, Moscow and regional project development, Office projects, Trade Centers and Mixed-Use development
Общая информация
Отрасль: Фондовый рынок, инвестиционные и управляющие компании
Специализация: Инвестиционно-банковское управление
Должность: Руководитель управления
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