Алена Кауль

Алена Кауль

Опыт работы
Lafarge Cement, CIS
Compliance manager
Должностные обязанности:

- Document business processes and internal controls that exist in the company; - Identify risks, perform risks analysis and evaluation - Evaluate internal controls to determine their effectiveness and efficiency - Determine the level of compliance with internal policies and procedures, state and federal laws and government regulations - Create contingency mitigation action plan and a system of risk management. - Participate in the improvement of controls and modifying of policies and procedures for the risk mitigation resolution.

Описание деятельности компании: Lafarge designs and produces building materials. Lafarge is the world leader in the cement production.Other business segments include aggregates and concrete, gypsum. In Russia they have 2 cement plants and some green fields being developed.
Общая информация
Отрасль: Строительство и производство стройматериалов
Специализация: Аудит
Должность: Начальник отдела, заместитель руководителя
Английский (Разговорный)
Французский (Базовый)
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