Елизавета Гаврилова

Елизавета Гаврилова

Опыт работы
Менеджер по подбору и организационному развитию
Должностные обязанности:

Managing internal external sourcing & selection, in compliance with company’s budget headcount Ensuring of the validation of job openings and alignment of profile required to the job scope; Assessing the efficiency of sourcing means in use and continuously looks for their development and innovation Coaching line managers on the evaluation assessment methods Support of performance evaluation and career management processes on the department scope (Performance Development Review campaign for managers and employees, preparation of managers and supervisors review, succession planning, managers review feedback…) Job description preparation (together with line managers) Implementation and development of various HR policies in Russia in line with global corporate standarts (recruitment policy, training policy, adaptation policy) - HR reports, orgcharts, analysisConsulting employes on HR matters Training & Development (training needs analysis, training matrix, tender for training providers) Supervision of trainings Analysis of HR statistics data (headcount evolution, personnel moves, turnover etc.) with pertinent conclusions, and proposal implementation specific corrective actions

Описание деятельности компании: E.ON is the world’s largest investor-owned power and gas company. Our roughly 88,000 employees generated just under EUR 69 billion in sales in 2007. In addition to our activities in Europe and Russia, we operate an electric and gas utility business and renewable-source generating assets in North America. We pursue a value-oriented management approach aimed at enhancing our competitiveness and delivering profitable growth.Группа E.ON является крупнейшей в мире частной интегрированной энергетической компанией. E.ON работает в области электроэнергетики и газа и занимает ведущие позиции на пяти стратегических рынках: Центральная Европа, Паневропейский газ (E.ON Ruhrgas), Великобритания, Северная Европа и Средний запад США.
Общая информация
Отрасль: Энергетика и коммунальное хозяйство
Специализация: Работа с персоналом
Должность: Менеджер по персоналу
Английский (Свободный)
Немецкий (Разговорный)
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