Екатерина Чиканцева

Екатерина Чиканцева

Опыт работы
Shtokman Development AG
Recruitment Manager
Должностные обязанности:

Maintaning and developing local HR policies, HR systems, practices, proceduresLeading specific projects and implementation of new HR initiativesStaff recruitment and intergration

Описание деятельности компании: As of today development of Shtokman Gas and Condensate Field is one of the largest and most technically sophisticated gas projects in the world which is realized in the central shelf part of Russian sector of the Barents Sea. Management team of the Project consists of the representatives of three companies-partners: GAZPROM (Russia), TOTAL (France) and STATOIL (Norway)
Общая информация
Отрасль: Нефть, газ, металлургия, угледобыча
Специализация: Работа с персоналом
Должность: Менеджер по подбору персонала
Английский (Свободный)
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