Сергей Иванников

Сергей Иванников

О себе

Degrees in Management and Economics from both British and Ukrainian universities. 9 years of (project) management experience with international companies in the real sector, venture capital, investment banking, consulting, and research. In the last positi

Опыт работы
Charkow Beheer BV - managing company for EWKOЕШКО
General Director CIS
Должностные обязанности:

Regional manager of CIS group (4 companies), operations manager of the Ukrainian company.Key decision maker and team leader responsible for all operations of the company covering the following major functions and responsibilities:· Marketing and Sales

Описание деятельности компании: Group of international distance learning database companies headquartering in Holland (local name EWKO-ЕШКО) with over 110 000 active customers in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The company is also present in Poland, Hungary, Romania, China. Ma
Общая информация
Отрасль: Образование
Специализация: Генеральное руководство
Должность: Глава филиала, региональный директор
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