Дмитрий Крылов

Дмитрий Крылов

Опыт работы
LLC Artsana
Commercial Director
Должностные обязанности:

Commercial Management of the Russian entity operations. Responsibility for management and results of the Unit. Managing all commercial aspects of the company’s activities (P&L, BU, GM, GC, EBITDA, CASH FLOW, DEBTS).Ensure effective communication throughout the organization aligned with overall group directives. Hired from zero, coach and develop the sales team, as well as continuously adapt and improve the organization to the changing environment in order to achieve agreed targets. Securing efficient sourcing of resources (change before you have to). Established close successful working relationships within key retail chains and key accounts. Managing Moscow and Regional team - 11 subordinates, Managing Customer service – 7 subordinates, Managing Fashion department – 3 subordinates,Headcount – 21 peoples. Reporting to General Manager.

Описание деятельности компании: The main aim of the Baby Care area of the Artsana Group is to be the global reference on the “Baby” market through its main trademarks: Chicco, leading brand in products for children between the ages of 0 and 36 months. Boppy, the latest addition to the Artsana family, fortunate brainchild of Susan Brown, in just a few years has become the U.S. market leader with its nursing pillows that have won over the hearts of many American mummies. In its first year of sales in Europe, it was able to achieve important heights and all observers have seen in it considerable growth margins. Pr
Общая информация
Отрасль: Дистрибуция, оптовая торговля
Специализация: Продажи
Должность: Коммерческий директор
Английский (Свободный)
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