Ирина Терентьева

Ирина Терентьева

О себе

I'm 28 years old, originally from St. Petersburg, but have lived and worked the last two years abroad: Sweden and Germany, where I came through the working contracts with my current rmployer. Currently investigating job opportunities in Russia, prefferabl

Опыт работы
Elcoteq Network Corporation
Sales Manager
Должностные обязанности:

Bringing new sales (customers); strategical development of customer relationship; account management; coordinating RFQ process and pricing

Описание деятельности компании: Electronics manufacturing services (EMS) provider with dedicated focus to communications. Leading European company with global presence in 11 countries, employing over 14000 people
Общая информация
Отрасль: Телекоммуникации, связь
Специализация: Продажи
Должность: Менеджер
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