Douglas Brown

Douglas Brown

О себе

Having worked for Placer Dome for 12 years in acquisitions, corporate finance, strategic planing and operations management I am now seeking a new position. I am interested in finding an executive position in Russia after having been responsible for the

Опыт работы
Placer Dome South Africa
Vice President Strategic Development
Описание деятельности компании: Placer Dome is an international natural resources company headquarted in Vancouver, Canada. Annual sales are approximately US$1 billion from 15 operations in 6 nations. The company is listed on the New York and Toronto stock exchange and has a represe
Общая информация
Отрасль: Нефть, газ, металлургия, угледобыча
Специализация: Стратегическое планирование и организационное развитие
Должность: Директор по развитию
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