Елена Курсина

Елена Курсина

О себе

• Exceptional communication skills• Excellent presentation skills• Organization and collaboration skills• Fluent English• Advanced Spanish• Strong analytical skills• IT skills (MS Office, Power Point, Lotus Notes, SAP)

Опыт работы
Administrative Assistant in Marketing Dept
Должностные обязанности:

The position combined both marketing and administrative assignments. On the marketing side, I produced analytical researches in a timely manner, including shipments analyses (monthlydaily), Off-Air Research analyses and pricing strategies. Participation

Описание деятельности компании: The position combined both marketing and administrative assignments. On the marketing side, I produced analytical researches in a timely manner, including shipments analyses (monthlydaily), Off-Air Research analyses and pricing strategies. Participation
Общая информация
Отрасль: Потребительские товары повседневного спроса
Специализация: Маркетинг
Должность: Event manager
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