Антон Назаров

Антон Назаров

О себе

Russian, born in Moscow. Was employed as sales manager, sales dep. coordinator, hr and pr manager. In ‘05 completed course in University of Minho. In 2006 after few jobs entered to TMN company as Mass-media Communication Section Director in PR-departm

Опыт работы
PR-department Mass-media Section Director
Должностные обязанности:

planning and implementing of projects PR campaigns; participation in PR-campaigns development;identifying, building and maintaining a network of media contacts that effectively reach company target audiences;providing PR coverage and

Описание деятельности компании: TMN, founded in 1991, is a portuguese mobile operator, and belongs to Grupo Portugal Telecom - the biggest telecommunication company in the country. Company was a pioneer on the portuguese market, first providing analogue and later digital GSM services.
Общая информация
Отрасль: Телекоммуникации, связь
Специализация: Связи с общественностью
Должность: Начальник отдела, заместитель руководителя
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