Юлия Даурова

Юлия Даурова

Опыт работы
Linkage & Mind Law Firm
Должностные обязанности:

Финансовое право (налоги и проектное финансирование). Договорное право. Слияния и поглощения.

Описание деятельности компании: Founded in 2005, Linkage & Mind LLP is one of the innovative and recognized law firms in Kazakhstan practicing in different areas and sectors:• Corporate and M&A• Tax and Investment Benefits• Capital Markets & Finance• Litigation & Arbitration• Government Relations• Environment & Ecology• Intellectual Property• Public Private Partnerships• Energy & Natural Resources• Technology & Telecommunications • Infrastructure & Real Estate• Pro bonoProfessionals of the firm have a high degree of competency in different practices and each lawyer of Linkage & Mind focuses on a specific area of law. This capability enhances the firms ability to respond to and litigate any issue no matter how multi-faceted or complex it can be. The firm can provide with a superior, highly skilled and experienced team response to the most difficult legal issues resulting in greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
Общая информация
Отрасль: Консалтинг
Специализация: Право
Должность: Директор по правовым вопросам
Английский (Свободный)
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