Сергей Белинский

Сергей Белинский

О себе

I like and appreciate creativety. That's why I am in advertising business. I like to work with clients of different sizes and different branches. Marketingadvertising techniques that work for big brands fail for start ups and middle-size clients. That's

Опыт работы
Eastern Gateway AB
Должностные обязанности:

I started the company from scratch and was the first employee. Now company has 24 employees. Main duties: report to the board of directors, investor relations, develop company policies and procedures, work optimisation between Swedish and Ukrainian office

Описание деятельности компании: Eastern Gateway AB is a full service advertising agency. We have sales offices in Stockholm, Malmö, Copenhagen and Karlskrona. Our back-office with designers, illustrators, web-programmers is in Kharkov, Ukraine. Company has more then 60 clients. Sev
Общая информация
Отрасль: Реклама, Дизайн, Полиграфия
Специализация: Генеральное руководство
Должность: Генеральный директор
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