Дарья Кардымон

Дарья Кардымон

Опыт работы
Mary Kay Kazakhstan
Director, Marketing
Должностные обязанности:

• Organize of work of marketing department, assign objectives and control of realization of projects;• Develop and mentoring people;• Develop and manage of marketing strategy for market (promotions, advertising, education and communication);• Manage and control of forecasting process and promotional activity;• Control and final calculation of prices;• Manage and control of AD&PR activity; measure AD&PR efforts effectiveness; manage the activities related to support and increasing brand awareness and loyalty;• Strategic planning; working and supervising special projects;• Manage and control the budget (planning and spending);

Описание деятельности компании: Mary Kay - is direct selling company. Mary Kay products are sold in more than 35 markets worldwide, and the Company’s global independent sales force exceeds 2 million.
Общая информация
Отрасль: Потребительские товары повседневного спроса
Специализация: Маркетинг
Должность: Директор по маркетингу
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