Елена Галашова

Елена Галашова

Опыт работы
Antal International Russia
Senior Consultant, Accountancy & Finance Departement
Должностные обязанности:

To place mid and senior level executive in Finance

Описание деятельности компании: Antal International Russia operates in one of the most dynamic and fast moving recruitment markets in the world. Now almost in our second decade of presence in the Russian Federation we have both the knowledge and experience that you can only gain from having continuous local operations. Our decision to maintain a significant presence after the 1998 Financial Crisis has been fully justified by the strong position we now enjoy in the mid-level managerial recruitment market.
Общая информация
Отрасль: Сервис, услуги
Специализация: Работа с персоналом
Должность: Менеджер по подбору персонала
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