Алексей Арифулин

Алексей Арифулин

О себе

Graduated with honour in Lomonosov M.V. Mosсow State University. Working in Cyprus and Russian offices of PwC. Participating in ACA and CFA programs.

Опыт работы
Должностные обязанности:

Statutory and other assurance engagements as well as tax works in accordance with ISAs, UK SASs, SEC regulations and other standards .

Описание деятельности компании: The company is a leader in assurance and busines advisory services. It provides a broad range of financial services: audit and assurance, consulting, tax, legal services, company administration services. The company is revenue based and does not posess co
Общая информация
Отрасль: Консалтинг
Специализация: Аудит
Должность: Аудитор
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