Марина Елисеева

Марина Елисеева

О себе

Currently Sloan Fellow at London Business School

Опыт работы
Finance Manager
Должностные обязанности:

Finance Professional, with focus on Oil & Gas, both Upstream and Downstream. Experience operating in senior treasury and corporate finance roles within large multinational blue chip environment, with organizational, visionary, strategic and long-range planning skills.

Описание деятельности компании: Hess Corporation, with headquarters in New York, is a global integrated energy company engaged in the exploration, production, purchase, transportation and sale of crude oil and natural gas, as well as the production and sale of refined petroleum products.
Общая информация
Отрасль: Нефть, газ, металлургия, угледобыча
Специализация: Финансы
Должность: Финансовый директор
Английский (Свободный)
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