Елена Юсько

Елена Юсько

О себе

сферы интересов : проведение аукцинов онлайновых и оффлайновых

Опыт работы
Должностные обязанности:

In-depth experience in marketing strategy, project leadership, and product management from concept to completion. Background in domestic and international sales and marketing spans manufacturing, commercial real estate, and construction industries. Results-driven leader with solid strategic thinking, analytical, and communications skills and strong background in engineering. Creative and versatile client-focused team player skilled at leading and motivating others. Recent MBA in Strategic Marketing

Описание деятельности компании: In-depth experience in marketing strategy, project leadership, and product management from concept to completion. Background in domestic and international sales and marketing spans manufacturing, commercial real estate, and construction industries. Results-driven leader with solid strategic thinking, analytical, and communications skills and strong background in engineering. Creative and versatile client-focused team player skilled at leading and motivating others. Recent MBA in Strategic Marketing
Общая информация
Отрасль: Сервис, услуги
Специализация: Клиентские отношения
Должность: Менеджер
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