Александр Борисов

Александр Борисов

О себе

I`ve sales experience for 6 years in saes of of heating, water supplying and water treatment equipment. I`ve pass the way from sales manader to sales director. My current job in oilfield is the attempt to start my second career. But it`s completion should become sales and general managenet also.

Опыт работы
Field Enginner
Должностные обязанности:

- working as a first man while drilling horizontal wells and sidetracks; - logging and measuring while drilling; - providing measurmetns for drilling engineers; - providing final data for customer. Working as a first man while drilling horizontal wells and sidetracks. Making up Borehole Assembly. Assembling, programming and dumping MWD and LWD tools. Logging and measuring while drilling. Providing measurmetns for drilling engineers. Providing final data for customer. Remote Operations procedures for MWDLWD services.

Описание деятельности компании: World`s no 1 oilfield service company. Provides full spectra operations for the oilfield.
Общая информация
Отрасль: Нефть, газ, металлургия, угледобыча
Специализация: Производство
Должность: Технолог
Английский (Разговорный)
Английский (Технический)
Немецкий (Базовый)
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