Виктория Лебедева

Виктория Лебедева

О себе

Graduated from the collage in US with the BA degree (international marketing)Worked in NY (US) CIBC Oppenheimer Funds as marketing manager.Moved to Ruassia 4 years ago.Started as marketing manager in Citibank consumer bank Russia .4 years employme

Опыт работы
Senior marketing manager
Должностные обязанности:

Branch expension-Moscow, St Pete, RegionsAll brand and merchandising issues - production and registration+ logistics.Head of the production department- print production and the the rest of the marketing and merchandising materials. Full support to all

Описание деятельности компании: Banking- retail
Общая информация
Отрасль: Коммерческие банки
Специализация: Маркетинг
Должность: Бренд-менеджер
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