Татьяна Овчинникова

Татьяна Овчинникова

Опыт работы
Head of Tower at SCPC
марта 2016
авг. 2016
Должностные обязанности:

People management ( people development, new comers’ adaptation, target setting, etc)
Strategic and operational leadership of procurement activities
Development and implementation strategic and tactical SPD activity plan
Market analysis for relevant sourcing areas: Marketing Services ( e.g. MICE etc), Administrative support services
Stakeholders management to ensure sustainable and efficient business process flow
Sourcing strategy creation and implementation
Improvement of strategic vendor/supplier relationships to develop performance base low cost solutions
Implementation and adaptation/localization of Global initiatives for Procurement process optimization
Procurement activities reporting
Risk management.

Достижения: Stable achievement of KPI: savings 10% annualy, increased efficiency of cashflow, complexity reduction within business process workflow.
Procurement Group Leader
сент. 2007
марта 2016
Должностные обязанности:

People management ( people development, new comers’ adaptation, target setting, etc)
Strategic and operational leadership of procurement activities
Development and implementation strategic and tactical SPD activity plan
Market analysis for relevant sourcing areas
Stakeholders management to ensure sustainable and efficient business process flow
Sourcing strategy creation and implementation
Establish strategic vendor/supplier relationships to develop performance base low cost solutions
Implementation and adaptation of Global initiatives for Procurement process optimization
Procurement activities reporting
SOP creation and implementation
Crisis management
Change management
Risk management.

Достижения: Stable achievement of KPI: savings 10% annualy, increased efficiency of cashflow, complexity reduction within business process workflow.
Moscow State Regional Institute of Humanities
Повышение квалификации
Sourcing Strategy & Process Training .EBS-Executive Education, Procurement
Lead to Learn
Общая информация
Отрасль: Фармацевтика, медицина
Специализация: Логистика
Должность: Менеджер по закупкам
в браке
Английский (Свободный)
Французский (Разговорный)
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