Павел Михайлов

Павел Михайлов

Опыт работы
Директор по логистике
Должностные обязанности:

A vital new direction for YUKOS RM is the creation of its own YUKOS-livery fleet of railroad tanker cars. YUKOS exported 28 million tonnes of crude oil and 9 million tonnes of oil products, most of it by pipeline. However, export opportunities through Rus

Описание деятельности компании: oil and gas production, gas processing development of oil fields storage of oil, gas, and refined products <br>construction of surface facilities at oil-and-gas fields <br>geological prospecting and exploration operations <br>development
Общая информация
Отрасль: Нефть, газ, металлургия, угледобыча
Специализация: Логистика
Должность: Директор по логистике
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