Татьяна Эрдни-Араева

Татьяна Эрдни-Араева

О себе

Last year I graduated from 2 universities. Now am planning to learn German and practice my French as much as possible. I am sociable, would love to have a drink on Friday and chat. Love learning foreign languages, sometimes may seem being a nerd :) but th

Опыт работы
Москва, Demand Chain Management Trainee
Должностные обязанности:

The Company is interested in growing managers from the very beginning, that is how the Challenge Initiative program has come into being. I am Demand Chain Management Trainee. My traineeship takes 2 years; during this time period I am moving from one depar

Описание деятельности компании: BAT Russia is a large tobacco-manufacturer belonging to the group of BAT companies. Its most famous international brands are Kent, Pall Mall, Dunhill, Lucky Strike, Vogue and Viceroy. The company has three factories in Russia located in Moscow, St.Pete an
Общая информация
Отрасль: Потребительские товары повседневного спроса
Специализация: Производство
Должность: Супервайзер
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